Users TutorialΒΆ
This tutorial is addressed to basic users and will teach the user how to use the portal.
You will learn how to:
- Manage the user account and how to modify it.
- Use the searching tools.
- Manage Data and Maps, update the styles and publish them.
- Load datasets into the portal.
- Managing Account
- This section will guide you through the account registration, updating your account information, and viewing other users accounts.
- Managing Layers
- A layer is a slice or stratum of the geographic reality. Layers are a published resource representing a raster or vector spatial data source. Layers also can be associated with metadata, ratings, and comments. This section will introduce you how to upload, download, change the style or share a layer.
- Managing Maps
- Combining and overlaying several layers will allow creating maps. This section will show you a detailed demonstration how to create and share your own maps.