- Title
- Ethiopia main livestock trade routes and markets
- Abstract
The map details the main livestock trade routes and markets in Ethiopia that contribute to both regional and international trade from the greater IGAD region. The main markets represented are secondary and tertiary markets whereas the trade routes are along road network signifying the truck mode of transport.
- Publication Date
- Nov. 27, 2015, 7:06 p.m.
- Category
- Economy
- economic activities, conditions and employment. Examples: production, labour, revenue, commerce, industry, tourism and ecotourism, forestry, fisheries, commercial or subsistence hunting, exploration and exploitation of resources such as minerals, oil and gas
- Regions
- Ethiopia
- Approved
- Yes
- Published
- Yes
- Featured
- No
- None
- Attribution
- None
- Name
- icpald (ICPALD)
- Position
- None
- Organization
- None
- Location
- Voice
- None
- Fax
- None
- Spatial Extent
- ---
- Projection System
- EPSG:4326
- Extension x0
- -180.000000000000000
- Extension x1
- 180.000000000000000
- Extension y0
- -90.000000000000000
- Extension y1
- 90.000000000000000
- Maintenance Frequency
- Data Is Updated As Deemed Necessary
- Purpose
This map can be used to provide insights on the network of main livestock trade routes and markets that traverse the IGAD region for both regional and inter…
- Language
- English
- Data Quality
- Data used is from field data collected under RISP 11 consultancy on "identification and mapping of key cross border livestock routes and markets, services and priority trans-boundary animal diseases including zoonotics fro regional and international trade" and cross border livestock market assessment report, FEWSNET 2010
- Supplemental Information
Details regional and international trade route network in Ethiopia
- Name
- icpald (ICPALD)
- Position
- None
- Organization
- None
- Location
- Voice
- None
- Fax
- None
- Link Online
- /documents/126
- Metadata Page
- /documents/126/metadata_detail
- Online Link
- /documents/126/download
- Name
- icpald (ICPALD)
- Position
- None
- Organization
- None
- Location
- Voice
- None
- Fax
- None